Gulie Ismail Therapies

Gülie Ismail

 Gulie Ismail
About Me
Gülie Ismail is the founder of G-Therapies, set up in 2011. She was a shy girl with a natural caring instinct that originally trained to take care of animals, it was during this time that she began to develop more of a love for people and at 19 it became natural for her to then find ways to take care of her own kind too.

A humble intuitive guide, Gülie uses Thai massage, Reiki and Emotional Freedom Techniques to bring her clients closer to their natural state of well-being. Either in person or over Skype, she assists people in liberating themselves of any physical, mental or emotional issues they may be experiencing. Her endless patience, compassion and gentle but direct nature helps to quickly get to the root of peoples issues, to best serve them in finding compassion for themselves and others. Her aim is to have you moving fearlessly forward into the life you desire!

Contact Information

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Articles by Gülie Ismail

Dating – The Age Gap >>

Improving Relationships Through Intimacy >>