October American Women Looking for Love Casting

October Films, an independent television production company based in London and New York, are producing a new documentary style dating series for a major US network. This new series will follow American women who are looking for love or who have already found love outside of the United States. Following courageous ladies who have made the decision to find their future husband in a far-away land.
“Can’t find the man of your dreams in the US and think he’s overseas waiting for you?”
Be On TV with October Films. They’d like to follow you on your journey, meeting your man for the first time, learning about a different culture, and hopefully see the relationship blossom into love, and eventually marriage!
Email the casting team: love @ OctoberFilms.tv With your name, age, contact number, location and a current photo. Applicants must be aged 28-38 and be a US resident.
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