Category Archives: Dating Advice

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

So you’ve signed up to an online or mobile dating service, you’ve had a look around at some of the other singles profiles, written an awesome dating profile intro about yourself, but not included an image?!!

Some dating advice on misleading images from Scottish singles

Simply put, what’s the point? What was the first thing you did when you joined? Well for most people it’s to have a look around at the other profile images, your visual appearance is the first thing all online daters look for. So if you’ve not uploaded an image most people will assume you are either currently attached or are not really happy with your appearance!

If you are not happy with your appearance it straight away shows a lack of confidence in yourself! Who wants to date someone with low self esteem?? So grab a camera or one of last years holiday snaps and start uploading, okay so you’re still feeling a little unsure!

Guess what? You have an image up on your dating profile and your response rate will just have quadrupled..

Now you did just take that image recently didn’t you? It was a recent holiday wasn’t it? Again what’s the point of lying about how you look, if you intend to find someone you like and hope to have a relationship with, what’s the point of lying to them before you have even met! That first meeting will certainly never be them!! it will certainly be a firm goodbye to you also!!

So start as you mean to go on and get that honest image up there 🙂

Good luck

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6 Subtle Ways A Woman Can Chat With Her Crush

6 Subtle Ways A Woman Can Chat With Her Crush

Online Dating Chat
Image Copyright © Jacob Silva

Statistic Brain, an online database for life’s multiple facets, was able to assemble figures related to online dating, here are some of their most revealing data

  • Of the total number of online dating users 47.6% are women
  • The estimated duration of courtship for couples who started online is 18.5 months on average, which is 23.5 months shorter than folks who met face to face.
  • First dates that originated online, people put more premium on personality 30%, with smile & looks only placing second at 23%.
  • Contrary to popular belief, still more than a third of girls (38%) prefer nice/polite guys as opposed to bad/damaging ones at only 15%.

With society’s stereotypes that men should be initiators and main handlers of a relationship, most women prefer to wait-and-see for a guys first move. However, waiting for that cute or charming guy that’s long been in your friend list to message you can take an eternity. He may be too busy or have a mind-boggling number of friends, to notice you in the first place.

So, does that mean you should drop the hint? Yes, but don’t overdo it. Here are clever and non-desperate ways you can start the conversation:

#1 The Classic ‘Misclick’
This is an old-school excuse that works up to now. You simply have to pretend that your little sibling, nephew, or cousin accidentally hit that emoji or sticker to your male crush.

Sorry! It was my 5-year-old cousin.”

“Apologies, my visiting nephew did that.”

Now, if the guy welcomingly accepts your apology with a friendly remark like, “Haha! It’s fine” then you can slowly take the conversation to a much personal level.

#2 The Planned Game Notification
After you played inviting games in Messenger like Everwing, Pac-Man, Hex, and Galaga, it will send a notification on the chat window of the person you decided to play it on. With your male crush as your target, you have to pretend again that you didn’t know about how the games work.

Didn’t know that this disturbs someone. Sorry!”

If that message shifts the topic from high-scores to love scores, then you’ll know the risk you took in messaging him paid off.

#3 The “I Think I Saw You Somewhere” Statement
Girls, admit it, the majority of you have at least one guy friend on social media that you have never met once. Once you’ve seen him randomly on a bus ride or a mall visit, you see it as a topic to open in chat. Even if you don’t, the power of pretending again comes to play. Just don’t appear like you shadow his entire profile.

Hey! You’re that guy in red in the mall entrance yesterday, right? I was about to greet you but I was afraid you won’t recognize me.”

A man is a curious being. The more you tickle his mind, the more he’ll think of you the majority of the time.

#4 The Interest Sparkler
Social media enables everyone to have a wide reach of information, particularly on good vacation and staycation places, OOTD ideas and mouthwatering dishes. You may have seen your crush post something about one of those, and whether you’re genuinely interested or not, you can use it to your advantage. Of the choices in this list, I believe this is the least informal and most effective way to engage with your crush, since it’s you showing interest on something he posted, not necessarily in him.

Hi! I apologize if I’m bugging you, but I just want to know if the picture you posted yesterday was taken in the Maldives. My family and I had a hard time making reservations there, and I was wondering how you did it. Thanks

 #5 The Damsel in Distress
The effectiveness of this technique has been impaired a little due to the large number of men and women using it, but it’s still a decent fallback option. Simply message your guy crush arbitrary letters like “asdasfasdasfas” and tell him, after he replied, that someone messed with your phone while you were away.

Geez! My apologies, but someone other than me played with my phone.”

#6 The New Lady in The City
For instance, if you’re travelling for a business or personal meeting, why not ask your crush to guide you along the way (through chat), like what routes and train stations to take, especially if the place is near his area. This works two ways for you: you get to arrive in your destination, while ascertaining if your crush has a genuine heart for troubled people.

Hello! This may appear very random, but I’m heading to a place in Salk Late City this weekend. Since you’re from Utah, I hope you can help me out on the best route to take. Thanks!”

Almost all gentlemen love to lend a helping hand, and if you’re lucky, your crush may even dig deeper by telling you some street-smarts or hidden knowledge about the place.

As a concluding thought, there’s a very good chance that your crush will like you so instead of waiting for him to unravel your great personality, why not take a chance on initiating that first casual message now?

Article by Jacob Silva
Jocob Silva
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The Single Life & Vacation Travel

Dating Travel Partners

If you are single you might often feel like there are fewer travel options available to you since so much is geared towards couples and families.

Sometimes it’s harder to travel alone. Also, in the same way it is nice to go to a movie with someone so you can share the experience, the same is true of a great vacation. Your network of friends and family are not always free to travel when you want to, and might have a very different trip planned anyway in terms of how much money they want to spend and where they want to go.

So what can you do? Often people search for potential travel mates or even local advice through Instagram and Facebook. However, recently, due to the advanced technology, many other online solutions have emerged which enable people to directly search for their travel buddies based on their preferences or even plan their trip.

For instance, one of the people I work with found herself in this situation and told me about a social travel platform that connects people who love to travel but would like a companion to share the trip with. According to my co-worker, these are definitely a resources to explore so you can put yourself out there. You will certainly make new friends and expand your horizons. It’s helpful to be clear though about what your objective is, and what you are looking for when you reach out to use it so that your expectations can be realized!

In the end it is about making traveling user friendly, enhancing your trip, and offering the opportunity for companionship, so you don’t have to travel alone. The trick is to be open to exploring and moving beyond your comfort zone. You never know what might be waiting for you out there.

Relationship Advice from Dr Jane Greer

Dr Jane Greer
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How Far Will You Go To Find Love?

How Far Will You Go To Find Love?

Beach Couple

You certainly don’t have to be a celebrity to travel the world to find love. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, work will take you to another place where you might meet someone you feel a connection to, and then you find yourself trying to stay in touch with the hope of building a relationship.

Other times you might be forced to become more creative in your pursuit of finding a romantic partner. Whatever the case, while long distance is never easy, it is much more doable these days with all the social media that keeps us connected and has bridged that gap that might literally be between you. With Skype, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, and even a good old-fashioned phone call, people can interact and feel like they are together even when there is a great distance between them.

All this allows couples to not only feel close, but also to actually get to know each other and begin to date when they aren’t in the same town or, in some cases, the same country.

So if you are contemplating broadening your horizons, what is the best way to go about it, especially if your job is not going to take you someplace new? Here’s how to proceed. Use a dating website or app, which is a great tool in this process. Many people are still unsure at the thought of doing this, because they have tried it and it didn’t work out, or they perhaps had a negative experience the first time around, or they feel they should be meeting someone spontaneously instead of in this formalized way. One bad date doesn’t translate into all dating websites being useless! Proceeding that way would be like having a cut on your wrist, and amputating your arm. By excluding dating websites and apps from your options you could wind up missing out on a terrific way to meet a great person who could be your friend or even more.

So instead of generalizing all dating sites, consider them individually. In using these services you expand your search far and wide, give yourself the chance to experience the culture of another country, and create the opportunity to build travel into your lifestyle as well, all while achieving your main goal of finding love.

Don’t forget, absence makes the heart grow fonder…

Relationship Advice from Dr Jane Greer

Dr Jane Greer
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Back To Dating – 3 Steps To Moving On From Divorce

Back To Dating – 3 Steps To Moving On From Divorce

Changing Faces

You got a divorce, so now what? You cried many rivers and can’t cry anymore. You sold the house or they moved out, you came to an amicable custody agreement with the kids, your family and friends are asking to set you up with their single pal and you cringe, your Saturday nights are spent watching Netflix on the couch in your pajamas and you’re wondering if you’re ready for a fresh start!

The answer is yes!  Going through a divorce or life changing transition can be scary, causing anxiety and self-doubt. The break-up of a marriage isn’t easy on anyone or any part of our life. Giving and disciplining yourself in with extra TLC in your mind, body and style will help you step into the next chapter with confidence, encouragement, and hope.

  1. Primp Your Mind. Knowledge is key to taking your mind off the negative self sabotaging thoughts and filling it with something positive. Take a class that you wanted to take at the local community college, online school or a wine and painting event for a night. Invest in yourself. Make time for learning new things. Get your spirituality ‘on’. Find what workout regimen will keep you healthy and fit for life. Explore speakers (Elizabeth Gilbert, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Oprah, Deepak Chopra) on YouTube that have positive messages and listen to them daily. Implement the tips they give to living a positive and purposeful existence. Get that certification to up your credentials. Hire others that know what you don’t to train you and give you fresh eyes.
  2. Shock Your Body. I know this maybe your least favorite tip. Don’t panic. Start slow and your body will follow your lead. Regardless of weight, working out and physical activity releases chemicals called endorphin’s into our brain to make us feel good. In addition, endorphin’s also induce a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows extensive workout is often described as ‘euphoric.’ That burst of happiness, known as ‘runner’s high,’ can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life. Not into running or extensive boot camps? No worries, start slow! Go hiking with a friend, enroll in a dance class or social exercise group. Be social and meet new friends while getting in shape.
  3. Revamp Your Style. Start with your hair and work your way to the toes. Get a fresh cut and complimentary highlights or low-lights for the ladies. Make an appointment at make-up counter to get a makeover or make-under depending on your goals and ideal look. Next, invest in new pieces that fit your current lifestyle; healthy, active, social and polished. Make sure you have a quality core wardrobe (perfect fitting jeans, cashmere sweater, 2 dresses, slacks etc). Grab shirts or scarves in complimentary colors to brighten your face. Finally, get a mani-pedicure. And yes, this tip is for men too!

The trick to moving forward after a divorce is to discipline yourself in the three areas of your life. Your mind may tell you ‘I don’t want to learn anything’s too hard’. Your body may tell you ‘What’s the point? Let’s stay here all night where it’s warm, cozy and safe’. Your old clothes may say ‘Don’t discard me! We had so many great times together. I want you to wear me forever…who cares if I have holes and don’t fit. People don’t care what you like’. Try to push past the deterring self-talk and get into action whether you feel like it or not. Your mind, body and style will slowly start to transition with you to the next chapter. 

Images Copyright © The Dating Agency Group

Style Advice from Rayne Parvis

Rayne Parvis
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Am I Dressed For Dating Success?

Am I Dressed For Dating Success?

Style Couple
Copyright ©

You’re single and dating…oh joy! First, congratulations on having the courage to try again. Second, you can do this. You only get one shot at making a first impression. You may be thinking, “If they get to know the real me, it shouldn’t matter what I wear.”

If you show up looking like you just raided the Walmart sales rack, wearing the same black dress or suit you wore when you rang in the new millennium, or dressed inappropriately for the date, you will most likely be dismissed as a potential mate faster than you can spell Mississippi. Yes, it’s sad but true!

Keeping in mind these simple three tips will make sure you are dressed for dating success!

Three Questions to Ask Before You Leave the House

  • 1. Is my wardrobe choice inviting? Flirty colors on our ladies is key! Shades of red are scientifically proven to attract a man’s attention more than any other color. If you’re not into red choose darker shades of pink like magenta. Guys, are you in a stuffy black business suit? Grab a soft cashmere sweater in a navy or dark gray instead. Giving a warm “come get to know me” vibe will help ease the both of you.
  • 2. What does my wardrobe say about me? When dressing for a date give off the same vibe as the amazing person you want to attract. Portraying yourself in a demure and trustworthy fashion, no matter what the occasion, will only increase your chances of having a great date. If you want to be treated like a lady or a real man, dress like one. Ladies, make sure you’re accentuating your best asset and only one. Don’t show too much skin. If you are showing your legs make sure you have a modest neckline. Men, please don’t pull anything from the hamper. Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed and polished. Trust me, she notices! When you place more value on yourself, others will notice and treat you with more respect. Try getting a few new pieces that you just wear for dates. Over time, colors and fabric lose their vibrancy. A short shopping trip to buy a few fresh dating essentials is recommended.
  • 3. Where are we going? Am I going to be comfortable? Gentlemen, did you tell your date where you are taking her? Nothing is worse than dressing for the wrong venue. You don’t want to find yourself or your date in heels and a dress hanging out in a dive bar, overdressed at a barbecue, under-dressed at a formal occasion or freezing cold in a romantic boat ride with no jacket. She will be so uncomfortable and in return you will be feel like you failed.

By answering these questions you can get your mind off your attire and focus on your date. When you make fashionably educated choices you will be stylin’ in chicness, comfort, and confidence!

Style Advice from Rayne Parvis

Rayne Parvis
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