Category Archives: Dating

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

So you’ve signed up to an online or mobile dating service, you’ve had a look around at some of the other singles profiles, written an awesome dating profile intro about yourself, but not included an image?!!

Some dating advice on misleading images from Scottish singles

Simply put, what’s the point? What was the first thing you did when you joined? Well for most people it’s to have a look around at the other profile images, your visual appearance is the first thing all online daters look for. So if you’ve not uploaded an image most people will assume you are either currently attached or are not really happy with your appearance!

If you are not happy with your appearance it straight away shows a lack of confidence in yourself! Who wants to date someone with low self esteem?? So grab a camera or one of last years holiday snaps and start uploading, okay so you’re still feeling a little unsure!

Guess what? You have an image up on your dating profile and your response rate will just have quadrupled..

Now you did just take that image recently didn’t you? It was a recent holiday wasn’t it? Again what’s the point of lying about how you look, if you intend to find someone you like and hope to have a relationship with, what’s the point of lying to them before you have even met! That first meeting will certainly never be them!! it will certainly be a firm goodbye to you also!!

So start as you mean to go on and get that honest image up there 🙂

Good luck

For online and mobile dating in Scotland visit >>

West Yorkshire Online Dating Voucher Codes

West Yorkshire Online Dating Discount Offer Codes

Mobile dating in West Yorkshire

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West Yorkshire Singles Dating

The Single Life & Vacation Travel

Dating Travel Partners

If you are single you might often feel like there are fewer travel options available to you since so much is geared towards couples and families.

Sometimes it’s harder to travel alone. Also, in the same way it is nice to go to a movie with someone so you can share the experience, the same is true of a great vacation. Your network of friends and family are not always free to travel when you want to, and might have a very different trip planned anyway in terms of how much money they want to spend and where they want to go.

So what can you do? Often people search for potential travel mates or even local advice through Instagram and Facebook. However, recently, due to the advanced technology, many other online solutions have emerged which enable people to directly search for their travel buddies based on their preferences or even plan their trip.

For instance, one of the people I work with found herself in this situation and told me about a social travel platform that connects people who love to travel but would like a companion to share the trip with. According to my co-worker, these are definitely a resources to explore so you can put yourself out there. You will certainly make new friends and expand your horizons. It’s helpful to be clear though about what your objective is, and what you are looking for when you reach out to use it so that your expectations can be realized!

In the end it is about making traveling user friendly, enhancing your trip, and offering the opportunity for companionship, so you don’t have to travel alone. The trick is to be open to exploring and moving beyond your comfort zone. You never know what might be waiting for you out there.

Relationship Advice from Dr Jane Greer

Dr Jane Greer
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How Far Will You Go To Find Love?

How Far Will You Go To Find Love?

Beach Couple

You certainly don’t have to be a celebrity to travel the world to find love. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, work will take you to another place where you might meet someone you feel a connection to, and then you find yourself trying to stay in touch with the hope of building a relationship.

Other times you might be forced to become more creative in your pursuit of finding a romantic partner. Whatever the case, while long distance is never easy, it is much more doable these days with all the social media that keeps us connected and has bridged that gap that might literally be between you. With Skype, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, email, and even a good old-fashioned phone call, people can interact and feel like they are together even when there is a great distance between them.

All this allows couples to not only feel close, but also to actually get to know each other and begin to date when they aren’t in the same town or, in some cases, the same country.

So if you are contemplating broadening your horizons, what is the best way to go about it, especially if your job is not going to take you someplace new? Here’s how to proceed. Use a dating website or app, which is a great tool in this process. Many people are still unsure at the thought of doing this, because they have tried it and it didn’t work out, or they perhaps had a negative experience the first time around, or they feel they should be meeting someone spontaneously instead of in this formalized way. One bad date doesn’t translate into all dating websites being useless! Proceeding that way would be like having a cut on your wrist, and amputating your arm. By excluding dating websites and apps from your options you could wind up missing out on a terrific way to meet a great person who could be your friend or even more.

So instead of generalizing all dating sites, consider them individually. In using these services you expand your search far and wide, give yourself the chance to experience the culture of another country, and create the opportunity to build travel into your lifestyle as well, all while achieving your main goal of finding love.

Don’t forget, absence makes the heart grow fonder…

Relationship Advice from Dr Jane Greer

Dr Jane Greer
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UK Dating Fair London 2017

UK Dating Fair London 2017

UK Dating Fair 2017

Saturday 11th March 2017. 1 Alfred Place – Fitzrovia – London – UK

Stands, workshops, seminars and key-note speakers from the UK dating world. The fair offers two 3 hour programmes. The morning programme runs from 10 am to 1pm and the afternoon programme from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Tickets for each programme cost from ÂŁ27. Book online at:


Dating in London
Dating in London with


Finding Love Without Dating Apps

Finding Love Without Dating Apps

Social Dating
Image Copyright © Holly Barry

Do you remember life before smartphones? Gone are the days where we looked forwards, rather than down at our phones all day. Nowadays, our smartphones reach into every aspect of our lives, from paying our bills and arranging our weekly grocery delivery to finding love and romance via online dating apps.

Whilst online dating seems, on the face of it, to offer the perfect solution to the age-old problem of finding true love, in reality things are often very different. With a seemingly endless supply of potential new dates available through dating apps, it’s all too easy to fall into a ‘click and go’ mind-set, where we never really give a date time to develop into something more, before we are scanning for the next potential candidate. If we’re honest, how many of us have met someone via a dating app, and then spent half the first date checking online, to see if other ‘possibles’ have arrived in our dating inbox?

Have dating apps had their day? Is there a better way to meet genuine people? Why not ditch the smartphone and try these four suggestions for finding love the real way?

Take Risks
Ever considered that the reason you haven’t found your special someone might just be because you play everything too safe? Step out of that comfort zone and you could find success in your dating endeavours. Try dating someone who you’d normally not consider, say yes to a wild and wacky date location or just pluck up the courage to pass your phone number to that nice guy you see on the way to work each morning. Of course, it’s true that taking risks and injecting a little spontaneity into your life means you might end up disappointed or facing rejection, but you might also find that things really go your way and you release a whole new you!

Volunteer Abroad
People volunteer to work abroad for all sorts of reasons, and whilst many people perhaps wouldn’t expect to find romance on a volunteering trip, it is actually fairly common to do just that. Stepping out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in a new and exciting experience in a far-flung location puts you in the right frame of mind for meeting new people. You’re surrounded by like-minded people, who share your passion for adventure and helping others, so the chances are high that you will find someone special in amongst your fellow volunteers. With no mobile signal in these remote volunteering locations, there really is no excuse for not trying to make friends or find romance.

Join The Gym
It might be a bit of a cliché, but the gym is actually a brilliant place to meet someone new. Exercise boosts positivity, and will help you to be upbeat and confident when talking to that certain someone you meet in the spin class or the weights room. Of course, the golden rule for finding romance at the gym is to leave your phone in your locker. You might enjoy listening to your favourite tunes whilst pounding along on the treadmill, but those earphones will kill the chances of any conversation, so ditch them and start chatting instead.

Get Social
We’re not talking about social media here, but actually making an effort to get out and about socially. Learn to say yes to invitations, and you’ll soon find yourself meeting lots more people, some of whom might appeal to you romantically. If you routinely cry off from the office drinks on a Friday night, or you keep postponing a night out with mates, try saying yes to these instead, and see what happens. At the very least, you’ll be chatting and mingling with others, which can actively improve your social skills, and you never know just who you might meet when you’re waiting at the bar to get the next round in.

Another alternative route which avoids the digital screen of a mobile phone would be exploring the route of a matchmaker… If you are truly fed up of dead-end dating, a matchmaker will spend their time assessing your needs and wants to find a match who compliments your every want and desires in a partner.

Visiting a matchmaker is considered a more direct route to finding love, without the messy awkwardness in between. When the timing is right, you will be paired with a partner who shares the same skills, drive and interests as yourself, so that you are able to talk all night long without having to make that risky phone call to your friend to help bail you out of yet another disastrous dating scenario.

If you’re serious about stepping up your romantic efforts and finding that special someone, it might be time to mute that mobile and reinvent yourself as a real-world social superstar. With a little effort and a bit of courage, romance could, quite literally, be just around the corner.

Article by Holly Barry
Holly Barry
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The Uncertain Path from Getting Engaged to Getting Married

The Uncertain Path from Getting Engaged to Getting Married

Wedding Engagements

Sometimes it isn’t such a clear path from getting engaged to getting married! For some people, undertaking such a big change and lifelong responsibility can cause people to question their choices and judgment, basically asking, did I make the right decision?

That concern and insecurity can trigger their fears and hamper their ability to moving forward. As one partner might be looking to be more involved and connected than ever, the other partner might actually be pulling away and become less available, spending more time elsewhere and possibly even dabbling in activities that can cause jealousy and trust issues. These actions can often be more of a statement of the trepidation that becoming engaged conjures up, rather than a reflection of their true feelings for their partner.

If this happens to you, whether you are on the side of needing more space or the side of wondering what is going on with your fiancé, the most important thing to do is have a conversation with each other to explore the feelings that were triggered by this huge, Uncertain event.

Leave room to talk about misgivings and insecurities, even if that is difficult, so that at least you have an opportunity to express your concerns with the hope that they don’t weigh you down and pull you apart permanently. It might also be helpful to seek counseling to address whatever might be getting in the way of your future happiness. Talking to someone about this can help you determine if you jumped into the engagement prematurely, and the best thing to do would be to postpone the wedding or even walk away, or if it is just a temporary setback that can be fixed.

This is a way to work through the tough time and have a better understanding of each other, know you are able to share your fears and conflicts, and perhaps move toward a happy ending.


Relationship Advice from Dr Jane Greer

Dr Jane Greer
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