Monthly Archives: June 2014

Dating in London – Five Weird & Wonderful Places to Eat

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Dating in London – Five Weird & Wonderful Places to Eat

Circus Soho

Dating in London can be tricky – if you’ve got a date coming up, a friend you want to impress or just want to stray away from the norm… We’ve scoured London to find the most interesting and quirky places to eat and drink in the city so you can step outside of your comfort zone and experience something different while staying within reach of the circle. Here’s 5 spots for the pickiest of daters: Read more HERE >>

For dating in London try

Six Simple Mistakes Made in Online Dating

Six Simple Mistakes Made in Online Dating

1. Stale profile, keep it fresh! Old images never go down well and sometimes can be a big shock on first meeting.

2. Rejection, don’t take it personally, just move on 🙂

3. Not doing anything at all…go on, you like the profile so just say hello 🙂

4. Keeping it online to long…risking it always been just an ‘online relationship’.

5. First date, choosing a place that is just to busy, the nicest restaurant may have tables just to close for privacy…AND WHO WANTS TO HAVE TO SHOUT either…

6. A relationship is never a means to an end. Sort your personal life out first, then find that special person. A relationship isn’t there to fix your life!!

Happy Dating 🙂

For online dating visit