Tag Archives: Dating Profile

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

Dating Profile Honesty – Why You Should Add An Image

So you’ve signed up to an online or mobile dating service, you’ve had a look around at some of the other singles profiles, written an awesome dating profile intro about yourself, but not included an image?!!

Some dating advice on misleading images from Scottish singles

Simply put, what’s the point? What was the first thing you did when you joined? Well for most people it’s to have a look around at the other profile images, your visual appearance is the first thing all online daters look for. So if you’ve not uploaded an image most people will assume you are either currently attached or are not really happy with your appearance!

If you are not happy with your appearance it straight away shows a lack of confidence in yourself! Who wants to date someone with low self esteem?? So grab a camera or one of last years holiday snaps and start uploading, okay so you’re still feeling a little unsure!

Guess what? You have an image up on your dating profile and your response rate will just have quadrupled..

Now you did just take that image recently didn’t you? It was a recent holiday wasn’t it? Again what’s the point of lying about how you look, if you intend to find someone you like and hope to have a relationship with, what’s the point of lying to them before you have even met! That first meeting will certainly never be forgotten..by them!! it will certainly be a firm goodbye to you also!!

So start as you mean to go on and get that honest image up there 🙂

Good luck

For online and mobile dating in Scotland visit ScoDate.com >>

Six Simple Mistakes Made in Online Dating

Six Simple Mistakes Made in Online Dating

1. Stale profile, keep it fresh! Old images never go down well and sometimes can be a big shock on first meeting.

2. Rejection, don’t take it personally, just move on 🙂

3. Not doing anything at all…go on, you like the profile so just say hello 🙂

4. Keeping it online to long…risking it always been just an ‘online relationship’.

5. First date, choosing a place that is just to busy, the nicest restaurant may have tables just to close for privacy…AND WHO WANTS TO HAVE TO SHOUT either…

6. A relationship is never a means to an end. Sort your personal life out first, then find that special person. A relationship isn’t there to fix your life!!

Happy Dating 🙂

For online dating visit SinglesRally.com